With Ritchie Bros.’ unreserved online & onsite auctions, we sell for you on the global market from our local sites, with free onsite storage, all-inclusive service, and certainty of sale.

Sell globally at live auction events, save time with all-inclusive service
We sell for you so you can focus on running your business

Service that takes the pressure off you
With our all-inclusive service, we take care of the entire selling process from start to finish.
- We inspect & appraise your asset
- We offer IronClad Assurance inspection reports
- We list & market your asset
- We sell from your location
- We sell your asset on a specific day
- We secure payment & title transfer
- We pay you within 15 business days

You consign
We offer flexible consignment options including straight commission, gross guarantee, and outright purchase.

We store & market your assets
As soon as you deliver your equipment to a site, we inspect, photograph and begin marketing it; handle all buyer inquiries.

We sell your assets
We sell your equipment to the highest bidder in our unmatched global auction events.

We pay you
We collect payment, remit any sales taxes on your behalf, and pay you within 15 business days of the auction.

Our global marketing brings more demand, better prices for your assets
When you sell with us, you benefit from our multi-channel global marketing campaigns that attract the most motivated buyers from around the world. More eyes means more demand and the best prices possible for you.