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Listing Services

We make it easy to sell and list on your own in the private marketplace

Listing Services
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For US, Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand


For all other regions

Manage your inventory efficiently

Manage your inventory efficiently

Automatically upload inventory using an easy-to-use, self-serve interface. A free Inventory Management System will help you workflow assets to a listings solution.

Get inside data, optimize your price

We provide you powerful, industry-best pricing & market data so you can optimize your list price for the quickest, most profitable sale. Get better data, make better decisions with our Rouse Fleet Manager service.

Get inside data, optimize your price
Reach financed buyers

Reach financed buyers with capital to spend

Access motivated buyers with $1B+ in pre-approved financing through Ritchie Bros. Financial Services. Plus, our PurchaseSafe secure transaction management services make each transactions go smoothly for buyer and seller.

Everything you need to sell on your own

Unlimited listings

Upload as many ads as you like using an easy-to-use interface with photos and video.

Direct to your inbox

“Want to buy” ads are sent directly to your email so you can respond in real time.

Inventory Management System

Manage your listings using an industry-best IMS software catered to your industry.

Pricing data

Access to pricing and market data from different sectors, regions, and sales channels, to help you optimize your listing prices.

Listing services for dealers

We’ll help you fully manage and transact sales with your own branded e-commerce website complete with mobile app and marketing tools. You can automatically offer your equipment to buyers with a reliable, efficient, and secure webshop.

*Additional cost

Listing services for dealers