Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Ritchie List Marketplace-E IronPlanet Mascus Rouse Appraisal SmartEquip IAA

Sell on our 24/7 online marketplace and we’ll help you sell faster

Expert price guidance

We’ll help you sell faster than a listing site or private marketplace with optimized price guidance. Our industry-best data will provide a price-point that will attract the right buyers.

An easier sales solution

Save your time and leave the selling to our experts. Sit back as our team focus on finding serious buyers for your assets. Expect optimal results thanks to our global marketing and access to the largest pool of buyers with pre-approved financing.

More control, less risk

With a choice of selling formats, Marketplace-E gives you the ability to control selling prices like a listings site. But unlike the private marketplace, we do the work and remove the risk by finding qualified buyers, and we fully manage transactions to protect both the seller and buyer.

Online Inspection Reports – good for buyers and sellers

Our IronClad Assurance inspection reports deliver a faster sale and buyer confidence.

Standardized listings with key info buyers count on.

No in-person buyer inspections required.

Inspection reports guaranteed by Ritchie Bros.– not by you.

We handle any disputes protecting you from potential liabilities.

Let the Marketplace-E team handle the details


We hunt for buyers

Team of Marketplace-E specialists find and work with potential buyers, qualifying and assisting them.


Paperwork is our problem

All details taken care of, from title/liens to payments and post-sale administration.

Data deep dive

Our robust equipment industry analytics deliver accurate price guidance to accelerate the sale and maximize results.

Marketing power

We do a multi-channel global marketing blitz to generate unmatched global buyer demand.