At Ritchie Bros. we feel it’s important to recognize exceptional customers and let them know they are truly valued. The main reason for our 60+ years in business is that we are a global company built on customer relationships. That’s why we’ve created a VIP Platinum Program that rewards important customer relationships each year with premium benefits.

Enhanced Auction Site Experience & VIP Service

Enjoy early access to equipment pickup by scheduling via our app, and get priority email notifications when pick-up is ready (online scheduling available at most locations).

Platinum Parking Pass at all sites with designated, convenient parking.

Using your Digital Platinum Card in the mobile app to get exclusive pre-auction site access on sale days and weekends at Premier Auctions, plus access to the VIP lounge with complimentary meals.

Place early bids with front-of-the-line app notifications when bidding opens with PriorityBid and our Timed Auction platform. Access your Digital Platinum Card in the mobile app.